Welcome to The Flow® Spring 2022 issue featuring international glass artists and their nature-inspired work. The 2022 Nature Gallery features both realistic and whimsical art; themes include insects, underwater scenes, cephalopods, fish, flowers, trees, bonsai, bees, owls, butterflies, bears, zebras, sunflowers, crystals, and frogs. Italian maestro Simone Crestani reveals his inspiration for his astonishing sculpture work and his efforts to recreate nature in glass at full scale. Renowned Japanese beadmaker and murrine maker Ayako Hattori discusses the cultural and societal importance of nature in Japan and her efforts to capture a slice of nature in every perfect bead. Jason Dunks, an American sculptor specializing in invertebrates, takes us on his journey from surfer and production glassworker to sculptor extraordinaire. Donna Conklin opens her studio to us and shows us how to make wee glass bees, a timely offering for the beginning of the season. Milon Townsend tops off this inspiring issue with a comprehensive, multi-step tutorial on building your own axolotl in glass. Be sure to subscribe today at www.theflowmagazine.com so you won’t miss a single issue.